Santoor Skin Moisturizing Sandal & Turmeric Bathing Soap 4X125gm

Santoor Skin Moisturizing Sandal & Turmeric Bathing Soap 4X125gm

Santoor Skin Moisturizing Sandal & Turmeric Bathing Soap 500gm

  • SKU: 916494
  • Availability: Out of stock

Santoor Sandal Turmeric Soap 4*125gm Savor the benefits of natural elements that have been treasured in Indian beauty rituals for millennia with Santoor Sandal & Turmeric Bathing Soap. Renowned for its fragrant aroma and healing qualities, sandalwood gently washes your skin, leaving it feeling renewed and invigorated. It is perfect for all skin types because of its cooling and anti-inflammatory properties, which help calm inflamed skin. Conversely, turmeric has an abundance of skin-benefitting properties. Its inherent antiseptic and antibacterial qualities aid in shielding the skin from microorganisms that cause acne and prevent outbreaks. Additionally, turmeric helps to lower inflammation, which supports more even skin tone and a glowing complexion. Because of its high antioxidant content, it keeps you looking young and prevents premature aging. This opulent bath soap is not just for cleaning. It provides intense nourishment.