Patanjali Honey 250 gm

Patanjali Honey 250 gm


Patanjali Honey-250 Gm Fructose, minerals, vitamins, and organic nutritional components are all present in Patanjali honey. This blood refining and antiseptic is of high grade. Regular usage relieves fever, colds, and cough. Additionally, it promotes quicker injury recovery. The sugar and jaggery that are sold on the open market are contaminated and contain hazardous substances. Thus, the physicians of natural medicine refer to sugar as "white poison." Use Patanjali honey to sweeten food and be well for eternity. Particular note: Since the condition of pure honey varies with the seasons, if Patanjali honey is deposited, utilize it happily and without fear. Use and quantity: Add honey to gruel, milk, roti, and other edibles to make them sweeter. Honey is administered with most ayurvedic medications.